Speaking and teaching

Alongside lecturing at Pilgrim Theological College, Sally regularly gives lectures at academic conferences, and is often a keynote speaker at forums and seminars across the wider church. Sally is also regularly invited as a guest on podcasts. You can find out more and listen below.



Sally teaches at Pilgrim Theological College within the University of Divinity. She lectures in New Testament studies and in theology.


Sally is regularly invited as a guest on podcasts. You can listen to some of her podcast appearances below.

Soul Search

Sally spoke with Meredith Lake about the wisdom of Julian of Norwich in contemporary context on ABC Radio National’s Soul Search.

Love - Rinse/Repeat Podcast

Sally speaks with Liam Miller about her new book, The Church as Salt. Liam and Sally discuss the versatility and surprise of the image of salt when thinking about the church, her engagement with early church writings, salty wombs, and the importance of being a place where people can cry in times such as these.

The Inverse Podcast


In conversation with African American theologian Dr Drew Hart and Australian theologian and activist Jarrod McKenna, in this episode of the Inverse Podcast, Sally explores non-violent atonement theology in the biblical text and the early church.

God Forbid


Sally appeared on ABC RN’s God Forbid on Easter Day, in conversation with James Carleton and Dr Michael Theophilos about the topic of sacrifice.

By the Well


Rev Dr Robyn Whitaker and Rev Fran Barber began By the Well as a place for biblical scholars and theologians to share reflections about the lectionary readings as a resource for people preparing to lead worship week by week. First appearing as a guest, Sally is now one of the hosts of By the Well.